1 - 2 February - Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles & Studio l'Hamaçon / Lyon - France
Address: 65 Rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 Lyon, France.
Saturday February 1st - Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles, opens at 9:30
DANCE WORKSHOPS - Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles
- registration workshop -
10:00 – 11:30 Contemporary dance with Elyse Fahey (USA)
11:45 – 13:15 Contemporary dance with Milena Crameri (Switzerland)
13.45 – 15.15 Contemporary dance with Laura Lamy & Tristan Robillard (France)
> SHOW < - Studio l'Hamaçon >>TICKETS
20:00 SOLOCOREOGRAFICO Solo Showcase and Audience Award Ceremony
“JUST A FAIRY TALE” by Christian Fara, dance Ilaria Mura (YOUTH program)
“MAKE OR BREAK” by Minka-Marie Heiß, dance Emma Talarico(YOUTH program)
“ROOTS AND WINGS” by Minka-Marie Heiß, dance Oleksandr Smirnov (YOUTH program)
“ENCRE” by Christian Fara, dance Irene Marianelli (YOUTH program)
“FULL EMPTY” by Anna Viotto, dance Emma Crippa (YOUTH program)
>>> Pause
“LES BIJOUX DES PERLES” by C.ie Hallet Eghayan, dance Anne-Sophie Seguin (France)
“COME ALONG” by Milena Crameri, dance Filip Michalak (Switzerland)
“AGATH[A]” by Maureen Leverne, dance Maureen Leverne (France)
“SUPPORT?” by Mandy Smits (Holland)
“JE NE SUIS PAS Á VENDRE” by Laura Lamy & Tristan Robillard, dance Laura Lamy (France)
“WHY - solo” by Caterina Mochi Sismondi, dance Jonnathan Lemos Felicio (Italy)
“DEATHPRINT” by Elyse Fahey (USA)​
>>> At the end of the dance evening
we will announce the AUDIENCE AWARD WINNER
Sunday February 2nd - Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles, opens at 9:30
DANCE WORKSHOPS - Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles
- registration workshop -
10:00 – 11.30 Contemporary dance with Margot Bain / C.ie Hallet-Eghayan | Artistes Associés (France)
11:45 – 13:15 Contemporary dance with Mandy Smits (Holland)
> SHOW < - Studio l'Hamaçon >>TICKETS
15:00 SOLOCOREOGRAFICO Solo Showcase & YOUTH program
at the end: Audience Award Ceremony & YOUTH Program Selection Ceremony
“JUST A FAIRY TALE” by Christian Fara, dance Ilaria Mura (YOUTH program)
“MAKE OR BREAK” by Minka-Marie Heiß, dance Emma Talarico(YOUTH program)
“ROOTS AND WINGS” by Minka-Marie Heiß, dance Oleksandr Smirnov (YOUTH program)
“ENCRE” by Christian Fara, dance Irene Marianelli (YOUTH program)
“FULL EMPTY” by Anna Viotto, dance Emma Crippa (YOUTH program)
• Participants Solocoreografico YOUTH Program LYON 2025
>>> Pause
“LES BIJOUX DES PERLES” by C.ie Hallet Eghayan, dance Anne-Sophie Seguin (France)
“COME ALONG” by Milena Crameri, dance Filip Michalak (Switzerland)
“AGATH[A]” by Maureen Leverne, dance Maureen Leverne (France)
“SUPPORT?” by Mandy Smits (Holland)
“JE NE SUIS PAS Á VENDRE” by Laura Lamy & Tristan Robillard, dance Laura Lamy (France)
“WHY - solo” by Caterina Mochi Sismondi, dance Jonnathan Lemos Felicio (Italy)
“DEATHPRINT” by Elyse Fahey (USA)
On stage the talented young dancers taking part to the YOUTH program of the festival
SHOWS take place at the Studio l'Hamaçon
WORKSHOPS take place at the Théâtre-studio aux Échappées Belles
Address: 65 Rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 Lyon, France.
The festival was created in 2014 in Turin, Italy, by the choreographer Raffaele Irace. With an independent Lyon edition, thanks to the Cultural Association Supernova - Torino and C.ie Hallet Eghayan | Artistes Associés, the festival is now expanding its network and placing its annual event in Lyon dance calendar.